Word for the Month... FEBRUARY 2024
Text : Isaiah 43:18-19.. Theme : 'New Beginnings'...
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Text : Isaiah 43:18-19.. Theme : 'New Beginnings'...
Text ; Isaiah 54:17 - 19... Theme..."Invincible"...
Text: 1 Cor.15:58. Theme: "Why press on ?"...
Text: JOHN 4:28,29.... Theme: ' Leaving the waterpot'...
Text: 2 Cor.5:17. Theme: 'All things new'...
Text:Luke 7:11-17. Theme: 'From Death to Life'...
TEXT: Matthew 24:14... Theme:..'Getting the Word out'!!!...
Text: Daniel 2:21 Theme: 'The Lord Is in Control.'..
Text: Romans 1:26-32... Theme: 'Man's depravity'...
Text: Luke 1:35-37 Theme: 'The God of Miracles'...
Text: Hebrews 12:1-3 Theme: 'Closing In'...
Text: Matthew 24:14... Theme: 'The propagation of the Gospel'...
Text: Proverbs 9:10 Theme:...'True Wisdom'...
Text: 1Cor.9:16 Theme: 'Counting the cost'......
Text: Matthew 7:13.14. Theme: ' Which Way now ?...'
TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 29:29 THEME: Moving on in the revelation of God...
TEXT: ACTS 16: 25-26 THEME: 'Releasing The Power of God'...
TEXT: Romans 8:28 THEME: 'Whatever, wherever, whenever'.....!
Text: Hebrews 12:1-3 Theme...'Persistence pays'...
Text: Romans 1:16,17. Theme: 'Unashamed'...
TEXT: COLOSSIANS 2:15 THEME: 'The Winner Is.....JESUS !'
Text: Hebrews 13:8 Theme: "Eternal Consistancy."
Text: John 1:12 Theme: 'The New birth'
Test: 1 Thess.5:18 Theme: Thankyou, Lord !
Text: Romans 8:37-39 Theme: 'Invincible'...
Text : Galatians 5:22 Theme: 'Fruit'..
Theme: Resurrection Text: Psalm 118:4
Text: Acts 1:9-11 Theme: 'The Ascent of MAN' ...
Text:Joshua 6:1ff Theme:'Impenetrable...?'
Text:1 Cor.2:4,5. Theme: 'Where the rubber meets the road !'
Text:Isaiah 43:1-3 Theme: 'Faithful evermore'...
Text: Romans 10:9. Title:' Faith...cometh'
Text: John 8:46 Theme: 'The Perfect One'.
Text: 2Tim.4:7 Theme: 'All's well that ends well'...
Text: Malachi 3:2,3. Theme: 'The Advent of Christ'.
Text: Philippians 3:13,14. Theme: 'New beginnings'...
Text:2Timothy 3:1-5 Theme:'The nature of the...beast ?...'
Text:2.Corinthians 5:17 Theme:'Created ...?...or evolved...?'
Text:Heb.12:1-3 Theme:'Long haul...or flash-in-the-pan' ?
Text: 1 Samuel 14:6ff Theme: 'One with God Is a Majority !'....
Text: Phil.3:7-11 Theme:'I surrender all...?'
Text: Matt.28:18-20 Theme:'The Great Commision'...[or omission?]
Text: Romans 14:10 Theme: 'Who Is The Judge ?'...
Text: Habakkuk 3:17-19 Theme: 'True Riches'...
Theme: 'A STAR Is Born'... Text: Matt.2:1
Text: 1Cor.9:24 Theme: '2019 '...the year of the marathon...'
Text: Jeremiah.29:11ff Theme: 'Whose plan ...???'
Text:Luke11:9 Theme: 'Prayer that gets results !'
Text: Mark 16:1,2. Theme: 'Resurrection'
Text:Daniel 3:17 ff Theme:' Never give up !'.....
Text:1 Timothy 2:1-4 Theme:'God's Authority'...
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Theme:' Releasing the power of God'.....
Text:Isaiah 41:10 Theme: 'The Faithfulness of GOD'...
Text: Philippians 3:12-14 Theme: 'Single-mindedness'...
Text: John 15:13 Theme: ' True Sacrifice ' ...
Text: John 20:29 Theme: ' Seeing Is Believing '...???
Text: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Theme: 'Signs of the Times'...
Text: Revelation 2:21 Theme: 'The Mercy of God '...
Text: Hebrews 11:6 Theme:' The Way Forward...'
Text: Romans 8:34 Theme: 'Unstoppable...Unbeatable...Unconquerable'.
Text:Acts1:1-3 Theme: ' Risen and Ascended '...
Text:Luke 1:37 Theme: ' Impossiblities removed !'.....
Text:2 Peter 3:12 Theme: 'Fit for The Masters use ?...'
Text: Romans 8:38-39 Theme: 'The Right Perspective'....
Text:24:6-8 Theme: 'Troubled times'...
Text: 2TImothy3:1-9. Theme: ' Danger Ahead !'...
Text:2 Cor.2:17 Theme: 'The s-t-r-a-i-t & narrow'...
Text: Isaiah 9:6 Theme:' The Greatest Gift'...
Text:Joshua 3:1-17 Theme: 'New Territory'...
Text: Luke 17:26ff. Theme: ' Biblical proportions'...
Text:2Timothy2:3 Theme: ' The Enduring Gospel'........
Theme: 'The Second Coming of Christ' Text: 1Thessalonians 4:14-17
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Theme: 'The Christian Response'...
Text: Matthew 28 18-20 Theme: 'The great Comission'
Text: Philippians 4:13 Theme: ' Whose Strength??? '
Theme : ...' On fire for GOD !'... Text : ...2 Peter 3 : 10ff
Text: Romans 3:4 Theme : L G B T...!!!
Text : 1 Corinthians 2 : 7,8 Theme : " Cross purposes"...
Text : Matthew 24:7 Theme : " Signs of the Times"...
TEXT:: ISAIAH 43:18-19 THEME: "God will make a Way"...
Text : Isaiah 43:18-19.. Theme : 'New Beginnings'...
Text :John 13:3-5 Theme : " The way up is down "!
Text: Judges 6:16... Theme...'One with God Is a Majority'...!!!
Text: Rev.22:14,15. Theme: 'A clear-cut choice'...
Text:\; MATTHEW 11:28 Theme: ' The peace of God '
TEXT: 2 Corinthians. 5:21 THEME : " The Divine Exchange ". ...
Text; Philippians 4;6,7 Theme; "Anxiety's Cure. ..."
Theme : Whatever next ? Text : 1 Corinthians 15:20-23
Text: John 14:6 Theme: " ONE WAY "
Theme "Just as I am "... Text: Ezekiel 20:35-36
Text : 2 Timothy 3 :1-5 Theme : " Last of the Last Days ?...
TEXT : Matthew 6:33 THEME : Presents ...? or Presence ???