" But know this; that in the last days perilous times will come...". [2 Tim 3;!-9] NKJV
We only have to access the world's news media to experience these Truths from The Word of God. !!!
As we discover the ongoing fact of man's Inhumanity to man , sundry atrocities and horrendous scenarios ; unthinkable only a few decades ago, we realise that a new era of barbarism is dawning on a passive and ineffectual world stage !!!
So what are we to do? ...Is there ANYTHING we CAN do ???
In the light of these increasingly alarming circumstances !...We the Church must take action and DO a number of things....
.(1) We Must PRAY as never before and Intercede for those who are outside the Kingdom of God
(2) We must EVANGELISE and make every effort to reach the lost before it is too late !
(3) We must LIVE the Gospel out on a DAILY BASIS as a Christian Witness to a pagan world
(4) We must RETAIN a good level of relationships with our Brethren - in - Christ
(5) We must Attend Church meetings on a REGULAR BASIS for mutual edification and Worship.
We Christians CAN / WILL / MUST make a difference in this perishing world .... .because ..."GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US , THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD "(1John 4:4).
May The Lord Bless you.