"...and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us....."[nkjv]
A short time ago in England, U.K., there were two annual events of significance. Both events took place over a distance of aproximately 41/4miles...namely 'The Boat Race'...and the 'Grand National' horse race. Both events were arduous tests of stamina and perseverance...The Interesting point to note concerning the Boat race Is that the winning team...Oxford...had a strict disciplinarian type of coach, whereas Cambridge enjoyed a more easy going approach....enough said !!!
As to the winner of the horse race, training again must have made all the difference...because...'when the going gets tough...the tough get going' !...how does all this tie up with our call to run the 'marathon' race of the Christian life ?...If you want to be successful emulate those who have succeeeded !...
Phil.2:12,13 lets us know that we are RESPONSIBLE to work out that which GOD has put in us...A 'work-out'... means effort plus perspiration.! The world is too full of Lukewarm Christians ! It is easier to cool down a fanatic than wake up a corpse !
As we learn afresh to ...look unto JESUS..we will see the ultimate example of a Disciplined Life... harmonising the balance between the 'rest of faith' and the 'test of faith'... by continued reliance on The Holy Spirit.
May The Lord Bless you.