"...nothing can hinder The Lord..." [1 Sam.14:6] N.L.T.
Johnathan had learned a great secret of faith...he kept his eyes on The Lord and HIS greatness...not the size of his resources. It did not matter how much Johnathan had 'in the flesh'...he knew that his victory was assured as he trusted in The God of Israel to battle against the enemy. How we often forget this principle as we become more like the world in attatching such importance to size/ numbers/ amounts/ etc. of resources/ finances/ manpower/ property/ etc., etc. May The Lord deliver us from such attitudes. A man once said...'you can do a lot with a lot of money...You can go here and there and hold great meetings, etc., etc. My answer was...can you gaurantee that The Lord is in it ???... !!! How much money do you need to get to heaven anyway ? ! Why do so many 'Ministers' fail to reach the poor with the Gospel???............
[Matt.19:23 -30]...................................................................................Jesus told it 'like it is' !!!
Zechariah 4:10 tells us not to 'despise the day of small beginnings...for The Lord rejoices to see the work begin' ....As we remain with the right perspective, like Johnathan, we will see the Victory in our lives also.
May The Lord Bless you.