"And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked:(v.9) The same heard Paul speak: who steadfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,(v.10) Said with a loud voice,stand upright on thy feet.And he leaped and walked."
Praise The Lord for this wonderful miracle! There is a golden thread running throughout Church History, where such amazing events have similarly occurred, at various times and places. You see,Jesus Is The Same,Yesterday,today and forever! (Heb.13:8).This miracle is similar to that of Acts Chapter 3:1(ff), where the man had also been lame from birth.Then,as now,there were many experts on hand to explain the complexities of such a case;they would undoubtedly propose the facts of 'the case in question' and pronounce their conclusions! But God Has the Power to change the facts! The last Word on any subject remains with Him forever!(Is.40:8). As we consider the context, we see a sharp contrast in the reception given to Paul and Barnabas, ranging from death-threats and attempted murder to veneration! How do WE handle criticism?...how do WE handle praise?...
A famous poet named Rudyard Kipling Wrote in 'If '...
"...If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two Imposters just the same... ... ... you'll be a man, my son."
Discernment is an essential gift in the Church and it's consistent use will keep deception and heresy at bay! On the positive side,faith can be recognised, (v.9), opening the door for a move of God in the miraculous.We must continue to bear in mind that The Power of God is Unlimited!Therefore, an instant healing such as this should not overwhelm us by suprise! Having said that,we would caught up in much Praise, for the wonder that had taken place! The 'prayer of Command' was spoken, under the Annointing of The Holy Spirit and God moved in Sovereign Healing Power... In Acts 3, it was Peter. Here it is Paul.The Same God moved in the Same way,His wonders to Perform, for both Jew and Gentile alike!...(V.27).He Is Perfect and all He does is Perfect.All the Glory goes to Him.(James 1:17,1Chron.16:29.).