"And I say unto thee that thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church..."
Now we need to realize that Jesus Is The Rock upon which the Church Is built. Also, the revelation that Peter had, was a rock of Truth. Having said this, Peter still stands as a pillar of Church, because it was he who first preached the Gospel to the Jews and the Gentiles...Acts 3+10...
What do we observe about Peter? An ambivalent character? Impetuous, yet totally committed? or one who could betray Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed? ! ...A man who had the faith to walk on water with The Lord, yet denied his Saviour to a young girl ! A man who defended Jesus at HIS arrest in Gethsemane, (by cutting off Malchus' ear) !, yet one who needed the Inner healing of The Savour's Touch.(John 21). There may be a little of Peter in all of us ! but the one redeeming factor was this...he knew WHO to turn to when it mattered most....'I'm sinking Lord!' ! . Peter became a fearless champion of the Faith and paid the ultimate price of martyrdom, for so doing. His character became consistent and steadfast, whilst remaining earnest and vibrant....The first 'Pillar of The Church'. He endured by seeing HIM Who Is Invisible, though satan desired to 'sift him as wheat'. May The Lord give us the grace to endure in similar fashion...
May The Lord Bless You.