Word for the Week...Jan.24-30 2011

"He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first". John 8:7  [nkjv]

In general, people are so quick to pass judgement, especially people who claim to be members of the Church !!!

But Is this what The Lord Wants His people to be like ?

We see clearly, from the account here in the Gospel of John, an abundant flow of self-righteous accusation ....but where was the male ? was he not also guilty ?...

The Lord condems sin...but forgives the sinner...and only He, Being without sin, could have cast the first stone !

Where does that leave us ? are we not also to forgive those who err from the Way, and caution them, as did Jesus, against continuing in their folly ? The Bible tells us that ...'If you Lord should mark Iniquity, who could stand ?'..[Psalm 130:3], so we must realize that the key to progress in our walk with The Lord Is forgiveness...

"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you'...[Matthew 5:44].

May The Lord Bless you.







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