"...for God has appointed another seed for me"...[nkjv]
The name Seth means 'Granted' [Heb.]. We see here that The Lord, in His Mercy and Infinite Wisdom, granted Eve another son, to replace murdered Abel. By so doing, God ensured that the Genealogy of Christ would continue unabated.You may not have made such a gross error as Eve...but whatever you have done, or failed to do,...you can be forgiven, restored and recommissioned, by The GOD of the second chance !!! The old Hymn states..'.Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise' Next to the unfathomable Wisdom of God...all our wisdom pales into insignificance. Let's take a moment to meditate on HIS Greatness, Goodness and Graciousness, to us...and give HIM all the Glory and Praise due to HIS Name !!!
May The Lord Bless you.