"... Cornelius...he and all his family were devout and God-fearing...he...prayed to God regularly."(v.1-3ff).KJV
This man, a Roman Centurion, was a soldier sworn to alliegance to The Emperor. In fact, many times, these Emperors would command worship as God Himself !!! For Cornelius to have behaved in such a fashion, as recorded here in The Word of God, was to invite certain death, if those in Higher Roman Authority became aware of his actions !!!
What can we learn from This Roman Army Officer???
[1] He was prepared to surrender all for the sake of the Truth, as God had revealed it to him.
[2] He was prepared to sacrifice carreer, status, home, family and even life itself ! in order to follow the Directive of The Lord God of Israel !
[3] He was prepared to cross cultural, national, religious and Intellectual, barriers in order to receive that which The lord had for him.
[4] He was aware of the cost and was prepared to pay it !!! (There is no prize without the price ! )
Are we not able to do any of this ?... in order to win the lost at any cost ?...
May The Lord Bless you. .