"Let no man despise thee"...[Titus 2:15] kjv
Titus had been given authority to ordain elders by the Apostle Paul himself...Apostolic authority ! Because of this, Titus deserved to be taken most seriously, despite his tender years and limited experience in ministry. To despise is to ignore or disregard with disdain. Titus was not to accept this unfair and unjust treatment, at the hands of those who should have known better !
There may come times when we have a 'tough nut to crack' !...a difficult task to perform in the course of our ministries... as leaders in the Church, or simply faithful disciples of The Lord Jesus Christ. We must never try to 'dodge the isuue'...but rather, confront It ! secure in the knowledge that HE Who has Called us Has also given us Authority, In His Name, to accomplish the mission...(Matt.28:18, Luke 10:19). We will often face what appear to be 'monumental challenges', as we continue to walk the faith - life. Christ Overcame in the Power of Rightouesness...and we can do the same, as, like Brother Titus, we turn from sin, embrace the cross and seek after HIS Holiness in our lives.
May The Lord Bless you.